Balkan Recipes
Includes recipes and information about the
cuisines of Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, and Slovenia.
Baltic Recipes
Recipes and cuisines of Estonia, Latvia,
and Lithuania.
Basque Recipes
Recipes from the Western Pyrenees and Atlantic coast regions
along the border between Spain and France.
British Isles Recipes
Cuisines and recipes from Cornwald,
England, Ireland, Northern Ireland,
Scotland, and Wales.
Caucasian Recipes
Information about recipes, ingredients, and cuisines of
Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Eastern European Recipes
Includes recipes from Belarus, the Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, the Tatar region,
and the Ukraine.
Mediterranean Recipes
Information about the cuisines, foods, and recipes
of Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Turkey.
Scandinavian and Nordic Recipes
Cuisines, ingredients, and recipes from
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.