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Hawaii Pickleball Articles

A collection of articles about pickleball in Hawaii.

New Pickleball Courts Coming to Oahu
Article by Kaile Hunt published in March of 2023 on the KHON2 Web site. FROM THE ARTICLE: "Right now, there are only 17 dedicated pickleball courts on Oahu. DPR’s goal is to increase that number to 77 dedicated pickleball courts on Oahu over the next couple of years".

Pickleball on the Big Island of Hawaii
Article published in November off 2022 on the Hawaii Life Web site. FROM THE ARTICLE: "A big shift during the pandemic on the Big Island was the demand for the sport and court space here. Hawaii has been a leader in the country for pickleball and tennis court space and it appears further accommodations will be added at the 87 parks across the island.">

TO BE ADDED: - https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2022/05/17/pickleball-picks-up-popularity-hawaii-demand-courts-grows/ - https://pickleballtrips.com/hawaii-pacific-rim-pickleball-cup/ - https://www.pickleballtournaments.com/tournamentinfo.pl?tid=3435

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