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About the MacKenzie State Recreation Area

An introduction with general information and facts about the MacKenzie State Recreation Area in the Puna Region of the Big Island of Hawaii.

ENTITY: MacKenzie State Recreation Area
NAMED AFTER: park ranger Albert Mackenzie
SIZE: 13.1 acres
WEB SITE URL: dlnr.hawaii.gov --> parks --> hawaii -- mackenzie sra | Link |
STATE OF HAWAII DESCRIPTION: Low cliffed, wild volcanic coastline with picnicking in an ironwood grove. Good shore fishing. Old Hawaiian coastal trail traverses
ADDRESS: Highway 137 (Kalapana Kapoho Road?)
LOCATION: Pahoa, Puna, Hawaii Island, Hawaii

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- wikipedia.org --> macKenzie state recreation area --> article
- lookintohawaii.com --> hawaii --> mackenzie state recreation area
- bigislandhikes.com --> mackenzie state park
- thishawaiilife.com --> mackenzie state park