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Hawaii Museums with "H" Names

Information about Hawaii museums that have names names beginning with the letter "H".

NAME: Hawaii's Plantatiion Village
DESCRIPTION: re-created 1900s sugar plantation with 25 buildings and homes
WEB SITE URL: hawaiiplantationvillage.org | Link |
ADDRESS: 94-695 Waipahu Street Ext,
LOCATION: Waipahu, Oahu Island, Hawaii

NAME: Hawaii State Art Museum
WEB SITE URL: hisam.hawaii.gov | Link |
WITHIN: Number One Capitol District Building
ADDRESS: 250 South Hotel Street
LOCATION: Honolulu, South Oahu Island, Hawaii

Halls of Fame

ENTITY: Hawaii Food Industry Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hawaiifood.com --> hall of fame | Link |

ENTITY: Hawaii High School Athletic Association Hall of Honor
WEB SITE URL: sportshigh.com --> hall of honor | Link |

ENTITY: Hawaii Martial Arts International Society Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: ikfkickboxing.com --> hma hall of fame | Link |

ENTITY: Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hmhof.org | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org --> hawaiian music hall of fame --> article

ENTITY: Hawaii Restaurant Association Hall of Fame
ABOUT: The Hawaii Restaurant Association marked its 60th anniversary in 2007 by creating a hall of fame for the local food-service industry.
2023 (15th): hawaiirestaurant.org |
2022 (14th): hawaiirestaurant.org |
2019 (13th): hawaiirestaurant.org (PDF) |
2018 (12th): hawaiirestaurant.org |
2017 (11th): westhawaiitoday.com |
2016 (10th): hawaiigrinds.com |
2015 (9th): hra3.wildapricot.org |
2014 (8th): midweek.com |
2013 (7th): honolulumagazine.com |
2012 (6th): honolulumagazine.com | hawaiireporter.com |
2011 (5th): hawaiinewsnow.com |
2010 (4th): midweek.com | honolulumagazine.com 2009 (3rd): honolulumagazine.com |
2008 (2nd): honolulumagazine.com |
2007 (1st): midweek.com |

ENTITY: Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hawaiisportshalloffame.com | Link \
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org --> hawaii sports hall of fame --> article

ENTITY: Hawaii Swimming Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hshof.net | Link

ENTITY: Hawaii Watermen Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: dukefoundation.org --> hawaii waterman hall of fame | Link |

ENTITY: Honolulu Police Department Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: honolulupd.org --> about us --> hall of fame | Link |

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