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Native Hawaiian Organizations

Information about organizations focused on or related to Native Hawaiian culture.

ENTITY: Office of Native Hawaiian Affairs
DESCRIPTION: self-governing corporate body of the State of Hawaii. Improves the well-being of Native Hawaiians through advocacy, research, community engagement, land management and funding community programs.
WEB SITE URL: oha.org | Link |
ARTICLE: Wikipedia

ENTITY: Office of Native Hawaiian Relations
OFFICE OF: United States Department of the Interior
ESTABLISHED: January 23, 2004
DESCRIPTION: Discharges the responsibilities of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) for matters related to Native Hawaiians. Also serves as a conduit for the DOI's field activities in Hawaii.
WEB SITE URL: doi.gov --> hawaiian | Link |

Native Hawaiian Organizations by Name
An alphabetical list of all types of organizations founded by, focused on or related to Native Hawaiians.

Native Hawaiian Organizations by Type
Includes chambers of commerce, civic clubs homestead organizations, trusts and other types of organizations founded by, focused on or related to Native Hawaiians.

- doi.gov --> sites --> native hawaiian organizations list (pdf)

- More About Native Hawaiian Culture
- Other Cultures of Hawaii