EVENT: Hawaiian Scottish Festival and Highland Games
TYPICALLY HELD: first weekend in April
LOCATION: Waikiki, Honolulu, South Oahu Island, Hawaii
Hawaiian Scotish Festival Profile
EVENT: Robert Burns Supper
PRESENTED BY: Caledonian Society of Hawaii.
DESCRIPTION: honors Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796)
EVENT: Tartan Day in Hawaii, 2023 Edition
DATE: April 6, 2023 (Thursday) 4:30 p.m.
PRESENYTED BY: Saint Andrew Society of Hawaii
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook Event Page |
DESCRIPTION: show up at Hawaii State Capital on Beretania Street wearing kilts or tartans
and waving celtic flags
wikipedia.org --> tartan day --> article>/a>
EVENT: 3rd Aggie Wallace Memorial Solo Piping Competition
YEAR: 2019
hawaiianscottishassociation.org --> festival --> 2019 archive
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