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January 2020 Hawaii Events

Information about all types of Hawaii events held in January of 2020.

Note that most Hawaii events scheduled to be held between March 2020 and December of 2020 were cancelled or held virtually due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic.

SCHEDULED DATES: September 4-7, 2020 (CANCELLED)
EVENT: Okinawan Festival, 38th Edition | ** Virtual Event ** |
PRESENTED BY: Hawaii United Okinawa Association
WEB SITE URL: okinawanfestival.com --> home old | Link
ANNOUNCEMENT: The 38th Annual Okinawan Festival that was scheduled in early September has been cancelled due to health, safety, and financial concerns. The Hawaii United Okinawa Association (HUOA) has decided to plan a virtual celebration of Okinawan culture and other alternatives

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- All Events in Hawaii