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June 2024 Hawaii Events

Information about all types of Hawaii events held in June of 2024.

IMPORTANT NOTE: event dates and schedules can change so be sure to check each event's official Web site to confirm 2024 event dates.

DATE: June 6-9, 2024 (Thursday-Sunday) 4 days
EVENT: Kapalua Wine and Food Festival, 43rd Edition
LOCATION: Kapalua Resort Dvelopment, West Maui Island, Hawaii
WEB SITE URL: kapaluawineandfoodfestival.com | Link |

DATE: June 11, 2024 (Tuesday)
EVENT: King Kamehameha Day State Holiday
LOCATION: all of the Hawaiian Islands
NOTE: observed every year on or near June 11th

DATES: June 6-16, 2024 (Thursday-Sunday) 11 days
EVENT: Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPac)
LOCATION: Honolulu, South Oahu Island, Hawaii
WEB SITE URL: festpachawaii.org | Link |
- FestPac was founded in 19072
- hold every four years in a different Pacific host country
- Honolulu event was postponed in 2020 due to covid epidemic
- nahha.com --> festpac
- hawaiipublicradio.org --> 2021 december article

DATES: June 7-9, 2024 (Friday-Sunday)
EVENT: 2024 Pan-Pacific Festival 41st Edition
FORMERLY KNOWN AS: Matsuri in Hawaii
LOCATION: Honolulu, South Oahu Island, Hawaii
WEB SITE URL: panpacificfestival.org | Link
NOTE: 41st edition was originaly scheduled for 2023 but that event was postponed

Multiple Month Events

EVENT: Equestrian Polo Season in Hawaii
MONTHS: April through September

EVENT: Outrigger Canoe Seasons in Hawaii:
- March-April: Long Distance Canoe Pre-Se4ason
- April-August: Regatta Canoe Season
- August-October: Long Distance Canoe Season

- More Hawaii Events in 2024
- Hawaii Events by Year
- All Events in Hawaii