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About Kawaihae Town

An introduction with general information, visitor resources and facts about the community of Kawaihae on the Big Island of Hawaii.

STATUS: unincorporated local commmunity
ZIP CODE: 96743
SITUATED: coastal harbor community north of Kohala Coast luxury resorts
DISTRICT: South Kohala District
ISLAND AND REGION: Northwest Hawaii Island
COUNTY: Hawaii County

Attractions and Activities
- Kawaihae Harbor
- Puukohola Heiau National Historic Site
- Pua Kallima O Kawaihae Cultural Surf Park
- Da Whale Boat
- Kohala Sail and Sea
- Siren Sportfishing
- Spencer Beach Park (just south of Kawaihae)

Dining and Taverns
- Blue Dragon Tavern and Cosmic Musiquarium
- Cipriano's Kitchen Kawaihae
- Kohala Burger and Taco
- Minit Stop Kawaihae Fried Chicken and Convenience Store
- Seafood Bar and Grill
- Shaka Shaved Ice, Coffee and Ice Cream

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hawaiilife.com --> listings --> big island --> north kohala --> kawaihae
to-hawaii.com --> big island--> cities --> kawaihae
wikipedia.org --> kawaihae --> article

- Other Towns on Hawaii Island
- Introduction to Hawaii Island