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Baseball on Maui Island

Information about the sport of baseball on the island of Maui in Hawaii.

Professsional Baseball

TEAM NAME: Na Koa Ikaika Maui
ACTIVE: 2010-2013
- Golden Baseball League (2010)
- North American League (2011-2012
- Pacific Association of Professional Baseball Clubs (2013)
HOME VENUE: Maehara Stadium
LOCATION: Wailuku, CentralMaui Island, Hawaii
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org --> na koa ikaika maui

Adult Baseball Leagues

ENTITY: Maui Adult Baseball League

WEB SITE URL: mauiadultbaseball.com | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | FB Events |

Youth Baseball Leagues

ENTITY: Central East Maui Little League
WEB SITE URL: clubs.bluesombrero.com --> cemll | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | FB Events |

ENTITY: Kihei Little League
WEB SITE URL: kiheilittleleague.org Link |n

ENTITY: Maui Upcountry Little League
WEB SITE URL: clubs.bluesombrero.com --> maui upcountry llLink
FORMER WEB SITE URL: mauiupcountrylittleleague.com (offline)

ENTITY: Maui Bronco League
WEB SITE URL: clubs.bluesombrero.com --> maui bronco league | Link |

WEB SITE URL: allpono.org --> sports --> baseball | Link

Articles, Directories and Related Web Sites:
- mauifamilymagazine.com --> baseball
- mauiyouthsports.com --> maui youth baseball information
- mauiyouthsports.com --> baseball
- west.pony.org --> hawaii state region
- hawaiiponybaseball.org
- facebook.com --> pono hawaii baseball

- More About Activities on Maui
- Introduction to Maui Island
- All Activities in Hawaii